Easy way to Make Flag Counter Widget on Blog

Easy way to Make Flag Counter Widget on Blog

Flag Counter is a widget application provided by flagcounter.com to calculate how many pageviews your blog and also be able to know the countries that have visited our blog. Well just for my friend who wants to install this widget, can follow the steps how to create a widget Flag Counter on blog.

1. Open this website dude, http://flagcounter.com/ in New Tab.
    After that, my friend will see the same view as this,
Cara Mudah Membuat Widget Flag Counter di Blog
2. Well it is a page where my friend can set and choose what will be displayed in the widget pal.
3. Once everything has been arranged and selected, please friend can click GET YOUR FLAG COUNTER
to take the script of this widget.
4. Window will appear like below, then click SKIP
Easy way to Make Flag Counter Widget on Blog
5. After that Copy and Paste Code Blog buddy pair in the manner Layout >> Add a Gadget >> Select HTML / Java Script code >> Save >> input.
Easy way to Make Flag Counter Widget on Blog
Well so / so Easy Ways to Make Flag Counter Widget on Blog, Good Work
If less obvious to comment, Thank You.

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